Research Article
Assessment of Available Feed Resource and Their Utilization in Guraghe Zone the Case of Cheha Woreda
Kedir Adem*
Volume 10, Issue 1, February 2025
17 December 2024
30 December 2024
17 January 2025
Abstract: The research was conducted in cheha woreda to assess the available livestock feed resources and their utilization. 60 households were used to collect data. Based on the results of this study, majority (75%) of the society were educated. The availability of fed resources in the study area was varied with the season of the year. In dry season, conserved forage (hay), crop residues, locally available supplementary feeds, concentrates, non-conventional feed and natural pasture were available in their decreasing order. In wet season, natural pasture, locally available supplementary feed, crop residues, concentrates, improved forages and agro industrial by products were available in their decreasing order. Commonly used livestock feeding system observed in study area was direct grazing, cut and carry feeding system, tethering and stall feeding. The major livestock production constraint in the study area was feed shortage and then animal disease, water scarcity, low productivity of animals and lastly weather condition. Based on the result we recommended that to overcome the problem of feed shortage increases productivity of livestock, the government should give attention and provide training of forage conservation methods to the farmers. Providing and introducing improved forages species, veterinary service and support on other technical aspects are also seeking attention too. Farmers should be practiced in fodder conservation as hay which used during drier season.
Abstract: The research was conducted in cheha woreda to assess the available livestock feed resources and their utilization. 60 households were used to collect data. Based on the results of this study, majority (75%) of the society were educated. The availability of fed resources in the study area was varied with the season of the year. In dry season, conser...
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Review Article
Prospects and Challenges of Sustainable Energy Future: Policy and Technology Perspectives
Emmanuel Gabriel Michael Biririza*
Volume 10, Issue 1, February 2025
18 February 2025
28 February 2025
13 March 2025
Abstract: The world faces unprecedented pressure to develop appropriate tools and policies for a sustainable energy future. Though science suffers from a burden of proof, it has thus far proved true to different predictions on human-induced climate change impacts. The call to transition from sole dependence on fossil fuels to drive human civilization is alarming. Science, technology, and international climate policies provide some promising steps toward a practical net-zero economy path. Policies, innovations, and technologies play a critical role in supporting the energy transition agenda toward a sustainable future. The recent innovations in technology and business models that embrace the adoption of alternative energy sources are impressive, where the use of renewable and alternative energy sources such as solar and wind are gaining traction. Awareness of the importance of adopting a suitable energy future is on the rise, with private investors beginning to push companies to change; countries worldwide are adopting various measures to a just transition, essentially adopting policies to embrace a low-carbon economy. Amid all the positive indications of the global community to embrace a sustainable energy future, the challenge of replacing fossil fuels, which are thus far the cheap, versatile, and dependable energy source, is prevalent. Appropriate policies will need to be adopted so that there will be a just transition embracing the principle of leaving no one behind. To keep up with the pace of the global social economic dynamics, countries will have to embrace strategies that mix different options tailored in local conditions while keeping abreast with the global dynamics. This paper reviews the roles of appropriate policies and technological advancement to support a sustainable energy future.
Abstract: The world faces unprecedented pressure to develop appropriate tools and policies for a sustainable energy future. Though science suffers from a burden of proof, it has thus far proved true to different predictions on human-induced climate change impacts. The call to transition from sole dependence on fossil fuels to drive human civilization is alar...
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